I love this idea, Brittany! I've been toying with the concept of maintaining a workout journal, which would contain post-workout thoughts and analysis. I currently write my workout scripts on post-it notes, but I'm yearning for something more organized and more introspective.

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Cool! That’s a great idea. My coach provides workouts for me in Training Peaks, so I always put my comments in there under each workout so they stay organized. That way I can scroll back months and see what I thought a particular workout felt like. I suppose you could do something similar with a written journal.

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Thanks for the motivation/inspiration, I'm doing it! Documenting the "feel" of the workout is so important, because it's quite an ephemeral sensation. The physical pump is something that is somewhat consistent, but the emotional impact often changes. And since I'm focused on training for mental health reasons, the latter is most crucial for me to keep track of!

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Very true! And RPE changes so much from day to day as a result of sleep, fueling, life stressors, ect. My coach likes to say- stress is stress. Your body doesn’t care if it’s coming from training stress or life stress.

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